In 5 days I'll be turning 35 years old! time definitely flies, I swear I was just 25 last year and just getting married, fast forward 10 years, boom I'm 35!!
I want to share with you my OWN version of what Being 35 years old is...GREAT!
1. Turning 35 is a milestone and I still have good years ahead of me.
2. I'm blessed with my amazing husband, my best friend, my partner in crime and our 2 beautiful healthy boys.
2. I'm blessed with my amazing husband, my best friend, my partner in crime and our 2 beautiful healthy boys.
3. I've learned to accept that I cannot please everybody and that's okay.
4. I've mastered the art of "letting go".
4. I've mastered the art of "letting go".
5. I see more smile lines around my eyes, that's okay, I plan to smile more often, and did you know it's contagious! (see you're smiling now!)
6. I've kept a small group of best of friends around me for 13 years even after I had kids, and we still make an effort to see each other.
7. I'm proud to say that I have a very good relationship with my in-laws. Just BE KIND and BE HONEST.
8. Having children at age 31, I found it HARD and REWARDING at the same time. You will never be ready for the rewarding over flow of love, the happiness, how proud
you feel for them, the worry for their wellness and safety. Most
definitely that you will never be ready how hard it is to be a parent,
the exhaustion, the stress, the strain and how expensive. But at the end
of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way.7. I'm proud to say that I have a very good relationship with my in-laws. Just BE KIND and BE HONEST.
9. ME TIME- I learned right away after I had my first child, that I need to take care of MYSELF too. I need to be healthy for them so I can live longer to see them get older. I give myself a 1 hour time out by going to the gym or yoga and eat healthy. It's also a plus to look good to feel good!
10. At age of 34, I lost my job due to down
sizing, I was shocked and speechless!!!!.....for 2
weeks!.....Remember I mentioned LET GO?, this was the perfect example of
the things I cannot control and that I just have to let it go. I worked
for retail as a manager for over 11 years, and you know retail hours
are gruesome! This past Holiday 2015 was the greatest reward that
I received from loosing a job. I got to spend more time with my family
11. I learned that I am now enjoying reading more, whether it's a novel, or some blog or an article. Try to READ more.
12. Don't let your children keep you from traveling. I plan to travel more
to a different part of country and take my boys with us.
13. DANCE MORE- I've always love to dance ( I
guess it's the Filipino nature) I need to dance more, whether being
silly with my boys, in the shower or in the kitchen or with my closest
14. One of my priorities is to go out on a DATE with my hubby 2-3 days a month.
14. One of my priorities is to go out on a DATE with my hubby 2-3 days a month.
15. Getting older is something to celebrate. It's the best gift that you
will receive and not everyone gets a chance. BE THANKFUL.
The rest I'm still finding out! After all I'm just turning 35, I'm just getting warmed up. I hope that this inspires you to change something in your life now before you get much older and
to fulfill your dreams. Whether in fashion, wellness or the quality of
life that you are living now, soon you will make great choices for
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Appreciate your time for reading and checking out my blog. I hope you enjoyed it.
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Good advice and you look good.